Well, Hello there!

Thursday, September 22, 2016

I am not new to the book blog world, but after losing contact with my previous blog, I decided a fresh start would be the best for me. So here I am. I am just a girl that really hopes to find others that I can chat with books about, share favorites, and just have fun.

I'm not going to pretend to be a 'profssional reviewer' by any means. I read purely for my own enjoyment, and my reviews reflect that. I'm not going to dissect and pick apart my books, but instead I will tell you what I liked, what I didn't like, and how I felt overall. Because I'm reading for my own entertainment, I don't feel this incessant need to finish a book. I typically give it to about 25%. If I'm not enjoying myself at all, I don't finish the book (unless I've been askd to review it). Does it mean the book isn't good? Not necessarily. I'm an emotional reader. Sometimes, a book just isn't what I want at that particular time. If I want to, I might return later, but I don't worry about it if I just don't want to. Since I took this view, I have found myself to enjoy what I read a lot more. There are many more 4 and 5 star books than there are 1 and 2 stars. I won't ever rate a book I did not complete.

I am a sucker for a romance story. I love romance, in all of its aspects. I'll give most any book a try if I feel like it is going to give me that happily ever after gooey happiness. That doesn't mean I only read romance novels. I enjoy books that have other themes as well, however, my absolute favorites tend to have a strong romance to them. The only books I absolutely will not read are horror (I'm a complete scaredy cat, and I don't like to be scared), and erotica (sorry, but pure sex is just not for me). Otherwise, you'll see anything and everything featured on my blog.

My favorite genres include:

Young Adult
some contemporary

epic fantasies

regency historical
highlander historical
Western America historicak
some fantasy and paranormal

Christmas novels (they hold a special place for me!)

I'm mainly blogging to make reading friends. I'd love to hear from you! I enjoy a debate on a book, as long as it is respectful. I enjoy hearing general feedback, and will do my best to make sure to respond to you as quickly as possible.

If you want to contact me, feel free to email me at psreadthisbook@gmail.com or visit me on Goodreads

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