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So, I had a very bookish Christmas. It was wonderful. Sadly, it is gearing up to throw me into my nothing but most anticipated new releases book buying ban of 2018. I need to get through some of my tbr pile, so I'm trying to hold off and only purchase those books I've been dying to get my hands on. We'll see how it all works out though. At least I get to go out with a bang!
Harry Potter Haul
My husband surprised me with so many new HP books. Most weren't even on my radar. I've lost touch recently.

Christmas Present Books
Seriously guys, I have the best husband in the world. He found my Amazon book wishlist and just bought it out. I love him so much.

So, yeah. I think it is safe to say that my husband fully supports my reading habits. I love him so much for his acceptance of me as I am. He isn't much of a reader, but he knows how much I love it. The best part of this, is that a lot of these books I read in the past from the library... and could never force myself to spend the money on my own physical copies. Now I don't need to!
I also picked up a few favorites on audible. So I can listen to them again and again. I prefer to do audiobooks as rereads for some reason.

Finally. Half Price Books on clearance. All three looked brand new hard cover for $1.50. I only owned paperbacks, so I had to get them.

So there you have it! My Christmas/end of the year book haul. It was a big and wonderful one! I cannot wait to dive into all of my lovelies. Theoretically, my 2018 hauls should be tiny... but who can say. I have no self control when it comes to books.